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What is the best temperature for wine cabinets?

What is the best temperature for wine cabinets?

Wine cabinets can be divided into wooden wine cabinets and electronic wine cabinets. The wooden wine cabinet is a kind of furniture used as a display to store wine; the electronic wine cabinet is a kind of appliance designed according to the natural storage standard of red wine, and it can also be a small bionic wine kiln. Wine cabinets for storing red wine generally refer to electronic wine cabinets.


What temperature and humidity are suitable for the wine cabinet?

1. Appropriate temperature, constant temperature Wine should not be placed in a place that is too cold. Too cold will slow down the growth of wine, and it will stay in a frozen state and will not continue to evolve, which will lose the meaning of wine storage.

2. Too hot, the wine matures too quickly, not rich and delicate enough, which will cause the red wine to over-oxidize or even deteriorate, because the delicate and complex wine taste needs to be developed over a long period of time.

3. The ideal wine storage temperature is 10°C-14°C, and the widest is 5°C-20°C. At the same time, the temperature change throughout the year is best not to exceed 5°C. At the same time, there is a very important point-the storage temperature of wine is the best.

 4. That is, storing wine in a constant temperature environment of 20°C is better than an environment where the temperature fluctuates between 10-18°C every day. In order to treat wine well, please try to reduce or avoid drastic temperature changes, of course, small temperature changes with the seasons are still acceptable.

5. Appropriate humidity, constant humidity The ideal humidity for wine storage is between 60% and 70%. If it is too dry, you can put a plate of wet sand for adjustment.

7. The humidity in the wine cellar or wine cabinet should not be too high, as it is easy to cause the cork and wine labels to become moldy and rot; and the humidity in the wine cellar or wine cabinet is not enough, which will make the cork lose its elasticity and cannot seal the bottle tightly.

8. After the cork shrinks, the outside air will invade, the quality of the wine will change, and the wine will evaporate through the cork, resulting in the so-called “empty bottle” phenomenon. For example, in a dry climate, if there is no proper preservation method, even the best wine will go bad in a month.


Wine cabinet cleaning and maintenance

1. Replace the activated carbon filter on the upper vent of the wine cabinet once every six months.

2. Remove the dust on the cooler (the wire mesh on the back of the wine cabinet) every 2 years.

3. Please carefully check whether the power plug has been pulled out before moving or cleaning the wine cabinet.

4. Replace the shelf every one to two years to prevent the deformation of the solid wood shelf under high humidity and the safety risk caused by the corrosion of alcohol.

5. Completely clean the wine cabinet once a year. Before cleaning, please unplug the power plug and clean the wine cabinet, and then gently wash the cabinet body with running water.

6. Apply pressure to the inside and outside of the wine cabinet, and do not place ironing equipment and hanging objects on the cabinet top of the wine cabinet. For better safety, please unplug the power cord before cleaning.

7. When cleaning the wine cabinet, you must use a thin cloth or sponge, soaked in water or soap (non-corrosive neutral cleaning agent is acceptable). Wipe it with a dry cloth after cleaning to prevent rust. Never use chemicals such as organic solvents, boiling water, soap powder or acids to clean the wine cabinet. The refrigeration control circuit must not be damaged. Do not clean the wine cabinet with tap water; do not use hard brushes or stainless steel wires to clean the wine cabinet.

Post time: Mar-13-2023